Embracing the changes—in seasons and in life

风飒飒地穿过树林,阳光照在树叶上, 当我们走在街上吃早餐的时候,他们展示着他们秋天的色彩. This was not only our first time in Marquette but our first getaway together as retirees. 这些日子,我们的生活完全不同了. We were nervous about our newfound freedom, 但当我们漫步在绿树成荫的街道上,那是第一个秋天的早晨, we knew we were in for a vibrant adventure.

“...第一个早晨,我们漫步在绿树成荫的街道上, we knew we were in for a vibrant adventure. ”

Fall Colors

Downtown Discovery

We started the day with breakfast at Donckers这是当地人的最爱,可以追溯到19世纪晚期. After ordering a heap of flapjacks, bacon, and veggie hash, 我们从他们的阳台上看到华盛顿街开始苏醒. 我把松软的薄煎饼里的枫糖浆都喝光了. Vacation calories don’t count, right? 我们仔细看了看糖果柜台,为我们的孙子们买了些糖果,然后拿了一份大杂烩,里面有熊爪和巧克力焦糖,等会儿再寄给他们, 还留了张字条,保证下次带过来.

Marquette Harbor LighthouseView from Mt MarquetteThe Dead River

我们吃饱了肚子,向市中心走去,在 Lake Superior Photo Gallery for some photo inspiration for our trip. 我们期待着自己拍很多很棒的照片, and even hoped to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights. 我们沿着玫瑰木步道蜿蜒而下,来到湖边和下港矿石码头. 这座令人印象深刻的建筑耸立在湖面上,提醒着人们建造这座城镇的钢铁工业. Then we headed over to the Marquette Harbor Lighthouse for some iconic shots. 明亮的红色灯塔被一片橘色和金色的森林包围着. With the golden sand of McCarty’s Cove 前景是苏必利尔湖的蓝色波浪,这是一个值得明信片的场景.

Fall Colors

A Forest of Gold

游览完市中心后,我们皇冠苹果版app下载去了 Harlow Lake Recreation Area. 我们沿着红松小道穿过高大的树林,然后转到哈洛溪小道, 是什么导致了一个长着类似沿海沼泽的高草的地区. 在远处,我们听到了松鸡微弱的鼓声,松鸡在这个地区很常见. 在这片宁静祥和的风景中,只有松鸡的叫声和落叶在我们脚下发出的令人满意的嘎吱声.

这条小路穿过一条古老的铁路路基,变成了一条多功能小径,把我们带到湖边. 从升高的铁路床上,我们可以看到下面蜿蜒曲折的小溪, and we snapped photo after photo, red, orange, and golden treetops swaying around us.

在这片宁静祥和的风景中,只有松鸡的叫声和落叶在我们脚下发出的令人满意的嘎吱声. ”

A bridge and Fall colors

Country Road Jaunt

第二天早上,我们喝着咖啡,研究着散落在桌子上的地图 Bodega邻桌的一些当地人建议我们去22英里外的大湾一日游. 尽管hg6668皇冠登录市到处都是色彩,但我们很高兴能得到一些内幕消息 under-the-radar views.

在享用了脆炸土豆的早餐后, fluffy eggs, and homemade cinnamon raisin toast, we hit the road, 渴望看到连绵起伏的山峦被秋日的光辉覆盖. 510县道是一条安静而弯曲的小路,只需要放下车窗,播放一些经典的音乐作为你的配乐

Lake Independence in Big BayWetmore LandingThomas Rock Overlook, Big Bay

We came upon the historic 510 Bridge, which just screamed photo opp. 我几乎从车里跳出来开始拍照. 我们走在金属桁架下面,欣赏着死河的景色, its banks painted in vibrant reds and yellows, with pops of evergreen. Hopping back in the car, we continued down the winding road, 在树顶形成的森林隧道中拥抱曲线. 我透过月亮的屋顶向上看,看到天篷被红得闪闪发光, orange and gold flying by above me.

Pulling off at Thomas Rock Scenic Overlook,我们踏上了碎石小道,去看看我们久仰的美景. 这条小路通向一条木板路,我们来到一块露出地面的大岩石上. There, 迎接我们的是大海湾广阔的景色, Lake Independence, and Superior in the distance, 树木在我们周围创造出自己的色彩海洋. 我们是如此的敬畏,我们几乎忘记了捕捉这一场景! 在下山之前,我们拍了一堆照片,还为孙子们拍了一张自拍照.

We rolled into Big Bay for an early dinner at The Thunder Bay Inn, once the vacation home of Henry Ford. 大瓶的麦芽醋和成堆的油炸食品意味着今天是炸鱼星期五. We enjoyed a hearty dinner by their woodstove, 享用当地捕获的完美油炸白鱼, along with a couple of local craft beers.

Northern Lights

Negaunee Treasure Hunt

hg6668皇冠登录的最后一个早晨,我们皇冠苹果版app下载从旅馆穿过街道去 Steinhaus这是一家经典的德国啤酒馆,专门提供传统的德国美食,这里有一流的早午餐. 我们从辛辣培根血腥玛丽和经典Hofbräu啤酒开始, 还有乡村炸肉排和火腿蛋. 绝对饱了,需要一个简单的活动, 我们决定去玩点古董,结果发现自己乘船去了邻近的内格尼.

Just 10 miles down Highway 41, 这里有密歇根钢铁工业博物馆和几家古董店. After checking out the fascinating exhibits, 我们沿着木板路散步,木板路也被美丽的秋色包围着. In a nearby antique shop, we found some beautiful carved wooden bowls, hand painted with different flora and fauna, and learned they were Munising bowls, popular at the turn of the century. 我们知道它们会让我们想起我们的旅行,所以我们不能错过它们.

Back at the Landmark Inn, we ordered up some classic cocktails, a French 75 and Manhattan, before dinner in the North Star Lounge. 当太阳开始落山时,天空就像森林一样,闪耀着紫红色和金色. 这场展览的亮点是hg6668皇冠登录的天际线和苏必利尔湖的景色, with shimmering autumn colors all around. 我们为愉快放松的旅行干杯,准备迎接生活带给我们的慢节奏. 虽然我们这次没能看到北极光, with all of our newfound freedom, 我们知道我们下次会回来试着赶上他们,体验hg6668皇冠登录所提供的一切.